Performance Trailer
Experience disTanz
About disTanz
Brief summary of the performance
Portugal’s choreography takes the dancers to the very limits of physical possibility, and often incorporates the “beat” of the Bach in entirely startling ways. Rarely have I seen a dense collection of movements parallel a score so closely. A single note emphatically played, and a foot might strike out like a momentary afterthought, or an arrow-straight body suddenly crumple. Portugal expands even small, inconspicuous gestures into something much bigger, continually making instinctive and fluid transitions from one movement into another
Filipe Porugal dance for a long time in Heinz Spoerli's Zürich Ballet, and his teachings are evident in his work.

Event Details
- From: 27/05/2017
- To: 27/05/2017
- Starting at: 07:30 PM
- Finishing at: 10:00 PM
- Opernhaus
- Falkenstrasse 1
- Zürich
- 8008
- Switzerland
- 044 268 64 00
- https://www.opernhaus.ch/